• FAQs about Mediation for Divorce and Custody Disputes

    Divorce is always a difficult process, but for some couples, mediation can make it easier. During divorce mediation, a neutral third party can help you and your spouse negotiate an amicable end to your marriage with equitable decisions about property, finances, and child custody. Throughout the mediation process, the mediator will not provide legal advice to either party, but can answer questions about how the courts work and how to reach an ideal settlement. By choosing mediation, many couples are able to avoid some of the acrimony that can occur at the end of a marriage and maintain a healthy relationship for themselves and their children. Find out more about divorce mediation in this infographic from Mummert Law . Our experienced attorney can assist with the mediation process near Baltimore and ensure you and your spouse arrive at mutual agreements. Please help others dealing with divorce and custody issues understand this alternative to the courtroom by sharing this information.

    Mediation in Baltimore